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(作者: www.lietoufj.com 来源:hroot  采编:精英猎头  更新时间:2016-11-17 9:02:20 共有1113人次浏览)

(2016年11月16日, / HRoot.com/)根据美国人力资源管理协会的研究,预计对数据分析技能员工的需求将在未来5至10年内继续增长。该份名为《未来的工作:数据分析技能》的报告发现,59%的美国组织预计将在未来5年中,数据分析技能岗位的数量需要增加。




“数据分析日益增长的复杂性,使得组织需要寻找具备高度专业技能的人才,”美国人力资源管理协会劳动力分析总监Evren Esen说。“在此情况之下,人力资源部门可能会面临招聘和保留人才的困难。处理这些潜在的技术人才短缺,人力资源部门需要为当前和未来的劳动力需求做好准备,包括进行员工培训和发展方面的投资。”

SHRM : need for data analysis skills to grow

(Nov.16, 2016, /HRoot.com/)Demand for workers with data analysis skills is expected to continue growing during the next five to 10 years, according to research released recently by the Society for Human Resource Management. The “Jobs of the Future: Data Analysis Skills” report found that 59% of US organizations expect to increase the number of positions requiring data analysis skills in the next five years. 

The SHRM survey examined the supply of and demand for data analysis skills, the types of employees needed for these jobs, and the skill and education requirements. It found 82% of responding organizations have or plan to have positions that require data analysis skills in 2016. Additionally, 78% of respondents reported difficulty recruiting for data analysis positions in the last 12 months.

Survey respondents reported data analyst positions are most often found in accounting and finance departments, noted by 71% of respondents. Human resources and business administration departments followed at 54% and 50% respectively.

Moderate data analysis skill levels are most commonly required for these types of positions, according to 83% of respondents, for which organizations typically require a bachelor’s degree. At least one-third of these organizations prefer a degree in analytics, computer science or statistics. 

“Growing complexity in the use of data analytics could lead to organizations seeking out talent with these highly specialized skills,” Evren Esen, director of workforce analytics at SHRM. “If this happens, HR may be faced with recruitment and retention difficulties. To deal with these potential skill shortages, HR needs to prepare for its current and future workforce needs, including justifying investments in employee training and development.”


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