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(作者: www.lietoufj.com 来源:hroot  采编:精英猎头  更新时间:2016-11-15 9:26:28 共有1113人次浏览)



“当企业面临经济不确定性时,人力资源总监表示自愿离职率也在增加。专业人士离职时最常说的原因是对公司绩效的担忧和对人员冗余的恐惧,紧随其后的是充足的报酬/认可,”罗致恒富阿联酋副总监Gareth El Mettouri表示。



Robert Half: voluntary turnover increasing over fears of redundancy and company performance in the UAE

(Nov.14, 2016, /staffingindustry.com/)According to research from Robert Half, 38% of HR directors said that concerns over company performance or redundancy fears are prompting employees in the UAE to look for other employment opportunities elsewhere.

Meanwhile, 39% of HR directors have seen an increase in the number of workers choosing to resign over the last three years. The increase in voluntary turnover comes despite reports of job cuts and hiring freezes.

“While companies are facing economic uncertainty, HR directors have noted that voluntary turnover has increased. The highest reason professionals have cited is concerns over company performance and fear of redundancy, closely followed by insufficient remuneration/recognition,” Gareth El Mettouri, associate director at Robert Half UAE said.

The research also showed that 31% of the respondents cited “lack of remuneration and/or recognition” as one of the major reasons that led to higher voluntary turnover in their organisation. Moreover, 24% said that stagnant career prospects is another driving factor, as well as poor work-life balance (21%).

“Professionals are becoming wise to the fact that there are other opportunities around, and as such, are wanting to find opportunities that are more suited to their long-term career goals,” Mettouri said.


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